Setting of Communication Driver


The type of protocol for Communication Server are as follows.

Protocol Contents Name of protocol
3710ACM to communicate with ACM 3710 power meter of Power Measurement in Canada DLL-3710ACM
AB LOGIX 5000 Series Ethernet to communicate with  ROGIX 5000 SeriesPLC of Rockwell Automation in U.S.A DLL-AB LOGIX 5000 Series Ethernet
AB MicroLogix 1100 Ethernet to communicate with  MicroLogix 1100 PLC of Rockwell Automation in U.S.A DLL-AB MicroLogix 1100 Ethernet
AB-PLC5 to communicate with  AB PLC5 of Rockwell Automation in U.S.A ABPLC5DLL-ABPLC5
AB-PLC5 TCP to communicate( ethernet ) with  AB PLC5 of Rockwell Automation in U.S.A DLL-ABPLC5 TCP
AB-PLC_SLC TCP to communicate( ethernet ) with  AB SLC 500 PLC of Rockwell Automation in U.S.A DLL-ABTCP_SLC
AB-SLC Serial to communicate with  AB SLC PLC of Rockwell Automation in U.S.A DLL-AB-SLC Serial
ABI systems LightOn Controller to communicate with Lighting controller of ABI systems in Korea DLL-ABI systems LightOn Controller
ACR120 Card Reader to communicate with ACR 120 Card Reader of Dot Origin Ltd. in U.K DLL-ACR120 Card Reader
AD Power M2M4 Meter to communicate with M2M4 Series Power Meter of AD Power CO., LTD. in Korea DLL-AD Power M2M4 Meter
ADAM    to communicate with ADAM 4000 Series controller of Advantech Co., Ltd. in Taiwan ADAM
Adam5000 New   to communicate with ADAM 5000 Series controller of Advantech Co., Ltd. in Taiwan DLL-Adam5000 New
Adtronic Electric Bulletin to communicate with  electric bulletin of ADTROnic Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-Adtronic Electric Bulletin
Aerogenerator Board  to communicate with 50KW Aerogenerator Board of Taechang ENT in Korea DLL-Aerogenerator Board
AirMedia Server to communicate with lighting, pump control, ..., through internet and wireless modem DLL-AirMedia Server
AMSYS RS1 Meter to communicate with RS1 model power meter of Omni System Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-AMSYS RS1 Meter
Analex Moisture Sensor to communicate with Analex Moisture Sensor  of Kittiwake in U.K DLL-Analex Moisture Sensor
AOJ2-C214(MELSEC) to communicate with MELSEC PLC of Mitsubishi in Japan AOJ2-C214
AP-3603 Controller to communicate with Fire & Disaster prevention master controller of Util Electronics in Korea DLL-AP-3603 Controller
AP-3604BA Controller to communicate with Fire & Disaster prevention controller of Util Electronics in Korea DLL-AP-3604BA Controller
ASM 142 Helium Leak Detector to communicate with ASM 142 of Adixen Co., Ltd. in France DLL-ASM 142 Helium Leak Detector
Autobase Open Bus to communicate with Open Bus Slave controller of Autobase Inc. in Korea DLL-Autobase Open Bus
Autobase Touch Smart I/O I to communicate with Smart I/O I equipment of Autobase Inc. in Korea DLL-Autobase Touch Smart I/O I
Autonics MT Series to communicate with multi-meter of Autonics Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-Autonics MT Series
Autonics TZ/TZN Series to communicate with temperature controller of Autonics Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-Autonics TZ/TZN Series
BacNet_IP_Protocol to communicate with BacNet IP protocol DLL-Bacnet IP Protocol
BAMS DC System to communicate with BAMS Server DLL-BAMS DC System
BASO2000  to communicate with BASO2000 controller in Korea DLL-BASO-2000
bbe Algae Online Analyser to communicate with tide measurement of Moldaenke GmbH in Germany DLL-bbe Algae Online Analyser
BDBG-09 Series to communicate with real time gamma radiation DER DBDG-09, PI-07 DLL-BDBG-09 Series
Bellwave CDMA BSM850 to communicate with BSM-800, BSM-850 CDMA modem of Bellwave in Korea DLL-Bellwave CDMA BSM850
BETA LASERMIKE Diameter to communicate with Accuscan LD1010/25/40 outer diameter measurement DLL-BETA LASERMIKE Diameter
BL-2300              to communicate with gas monitoring controller BL-2300
BP to communicate with automatic insterter of BP(Board Packer) BL-BP
BS-300A to communicate with BS300A load cell controller of BongSin Co., Ltd. in Korea. DLL-BS300A
BS-4200A/4220A to communicate with BS-4200A/4220A load cell controller of BongSin Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-BS4200
BS-7220 to communicate with BS-7220 load cell controller of BongSin Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-BS-7220
BS4800A to communicate with BS4800A load cell controller of BongSin Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-BS4800A
BT-816C CMC to communicate with CMC equipment of G-Well in Korea DLL-BT-816C CMC
CAB720 to communicate with CAB720 controller DLL-CAB720
CALISTO to communicate with dissolved hydrogen and dissolved water controller of MORGAN SCHAFFER SYSTEMS in Canada DLL-CALISTO
CAS CI-5010A Indicator to communicate with weighing indicator CI-5010A series controller of CAS in Korea DLL-CAS CI-5010A Indicator
Capricorn 2000 Weather Station to communicate with weather station controller of Columbia Weather Systems, Inc in U.S.A DLL-Capricorn 2000 Weather Station
CCR-23 Rectifier Controller to communicate with rectifier controller of WonBang C & C in Korea DLL-CCR-23 Rectifier Controller
CDTP to communicate with normal controller of Autobase Inc. in Korea DLL-CDTP
Chang Min Flow Meter to communicate with flow meter of Chang Min Tech Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-Chang Min Flow Meter
CHINO KP to communicate with KP controller of CHINO Co., Ltd. in Japan DLL-CHINO-KP
CHINO DB1000/1000F to communicate with Digital Indicator of CHINO Co., Ltd. in Japan DLL-CHINO DB1000/1000F
CHINO KP1000 to communicate with PID controller of CHINO Co., Ltd. in Japan DLL-CHINO-KP1000
CHINO SE2000  to communicate with arthmetic type scanner controller of CHINO Co., Ltd. in Japan DLL-CHINO-SE2000
CIM1000 Card Machine to communicate with card reader/writer controller CIM1000 of Kytronics Corp.,Ltd. in Korea DLL-CIM1000 Card Machine
CIMON PLC Ethernet to communicate with CIMON PLC of KDT Systems Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-CIMON PLC Ethernet
CIMON PLC Serial(RS-232C¡¦) to communicate with CIMON PLC of KDT Systems Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-CIMON PLC Serial(RS-232C¡¦)
Cl Line Display to communicate with 6 digit display DLL-CI Line Display
CIP-7000 Server to communicate with CIP-7000 Client controller of Eraeseeds Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-CIP-7000 Server
Clipsal C-BUS to communicate with Clipsal lighting controller of Schneider Electric Pty Ltd.  in Australia DLL-Clipsal C-BUS
Combinet-Network Wireless PLC to communicate with network wireless PLC controller of SungRim M&C Co., Ltd.  in Korea DLL-Combinet-Network Wireless PLC
ControlCity with ICU to communicate with ControlCity controller of Samsung SDS  in Korea DLL-ControlCity with ICU
CORELEX PAN Controller to communicate with PLC(Power line Communication) controller of Corelex Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-CORELEX PAN Controller
CSS Tech McTc to communicate with Modulated Current Technology Controller of CSS Technologies Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-CSS Tech McTc
DA-7300 Data Logger to communicate with gas monitoring controller of DongAn Information Industry in Korea DLL-DA-7300 Data Logger
DACELL DN-10W to communicate with load cell controller of DaCell in Korea DLL-DACELL DN-10W
DAE_AIR to communicate with air conditioner of DaeKi HVAC in Korea DLL-DAE_AIR
DAE GIL EL-300P Load to communicate with Programmable Digital DC Electronic Load of DaeGil Electronic Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-DAE GIL EL-300P Load
DAEJOO DPM to communicate with DPM meter of DaeJoo TD System in Korea DLL-DAEJOO DPM
DAEKYUNG DPM to communicate with DPM meter of DaeKyung G & Tech Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-DAEKYUNG DPM
DaeSung Alarm Monitoring to communicate with alarm monitoring controller of Daesung Control Industry Co., Korea DLL-DAESUNG1
DaeSung Fox-300 Series to communicate with temperature/humidity controller of DaeSung Korea DLL- DaeSung Fox-300 Series
DAIKIN SUT Series to communicate with Hybrid hydraulic systems of DAIKIN industries, Ltd. in Japan DLL-DAIKIN SUT Series
DASA Motion Controller to communicate with motion controller of Dasa Korea DLL-DASA Motion Controller
Data Send from Master to transmit the specific data to electronic display board DLL-Data Send from Master
DB DATA READ/WRITE to read/write from database such as SQL Server, ORACLE, etc DLL-DB DATA READ/WRITE
DCU-1000C to communicate with power control equipment of Shinyoung Korea DLL-DCU-1000C
DEESYS D2K-ED Series to communicate with digital short circuit detector of Deesys Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-DEESYS D2K-ED Series
Delta TAU PMAC Ethernet to communicate with TAU PMAC of DELTA TAU Data System, Inc. in U.S.A DLL-Delta TAU PMAC Ethernet
DIESSEL             to communicate with DIESSEL 3-Components in-line Blending System controller of DIESSEL in Germany DLL-Diessel Blending Controller
DIM P&C to communicate with electroni display board DLL-DIM P&C
DMATE 2000 to communicate with controller of Locas Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-DMATE2000
DNP KEPCO 1.0 to communicate with DNP3.0 protocol DLL-DNP KEPCO 1.0
DongA Remote Checker to communicate with remote checker controller of DongA in Korea DLL-DongA Remote Checker
DONGA Hitech Smart RPPS to communicate with rectifier controller of Donga Hitech Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-DONGA Hitech Smart RPPS
DONGEIECOS eRTU Inverter to communicate with solar eRTU inverter controller of DONGEIECOS Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-DONGEIECOS eRTU Inverter
DONGEIECOS eRTU Inverter SLAVE  the driver of solar eRTU controller's 'SLAVE mode' of DONGEIECOS Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-DONGEIECOS eRTU Inverter SLAVE
DPM2                  to communicate with electronic display board controller of Scon in Korea DPM2
DPMNET_424C to communicate with electronic display board controller of ChungWoo Hitech in Korea DPMNET_424C
DPTH-100T Inverter to communicate with solar inverter controller of DIK Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-DPTH-100T Inverter
DS-3700-4A/6A to communicate with electronic display board controller of D&A Analogtec in Korea DLL-DS-3700
DSR466sd Room Controller to communicate with gas boiler controller of Daesung Celtics Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-DSR466sd Room Controller
DUPLINE Optolink to communicate with general controller of Carlo Gavazzi in Italy DLL-Dupline Optolink
DUPLINE G3890   to communicate with general controller of Carlo Gavazzi in Italy DLL-Dupline G3890
DUPLINE SPT-DIN to communicate with power meter of Carlo Gavazzi in Italy DLL-Dupline SPT-DIN
DuTec I/O PLEXER to communicate with general I/O controller of DuTec in U.S.A DLL-duTec I/O PLEXER
DY-500RTU         to communicate with data logger controller of Dongyoung in Korea DLL-DY-500RTU
DY600S DPM to communicate with electronic display board controller of Daeyeon Control & Instrument Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-DY600S DPM
DY-DISPLAY       to communicate with electronic display board controller DLL-DY-DISPLAY
DY-RAIN             to communicate with electronic rainfall controller of Dongyoung in Korea DLL-DY-RAIN
DY_CPU to communicate with electronic display board controller of Dongyoung in Korea DLL-DY-CPU
DY_CPU1 to communicate with electronic display board controller of Dongyoung in Korea DLL-DY-CPU1
Dynatronix DP/DPR Series to communicate with DC Power Supply of Dynatronix Inc. in U.S.A DLL-Dynatronix DP/DPR Series
DYS_MDC           to communicate with electronic display board of Dongyoung in Korea DLL-DYS-MDC
E364xA Series DC-Power Supply to communicate with DC-Power Supply of Agilent Technologies inU.S.A DLL-E364xA Series DC-Power Supply
Easy Check ATM TS-171 to communicate with credit card payment equipment of KICC in Korea DLL- Easy Check ATM TS-171
ECU-09 Micom Controller to communicate with temperature chamber controller of Nemo Engineering. in Korea DLL-ECU-09 Micom Controller
Edisun Solitec Inverter to communicate with Inverter of Edisun Solitec Co., Ltd.  in Korea. DLL-Edisun Solitec Inverter
EESYS CCU Controller to communicate with CCU equipment of EESYS Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-EESYS CCU Controller
EHWA_UPS to communicate with uninterruptible power supply 065 (Single) model controller of Ewha Technologies Information Co,. Ltd. in Korea DLL-EHWA_UPS
ELVIC to communicate with power meter controller of Asia Co,. Ltd. in Korea DLL-ELVIC
EMS_43 to communicate with power meter controller of ALGODUE electronica in Italy DLL-EMS_43
EMS_MODBUS to communicate with power meter EMS 43/400/410/420/4000/4001/4010 ¡¦ series of ALGODUE electronica in Italy DLL-EMS_MODBUS
EnerPulse Power Supply to communicate with EnerPulse Series Power Supply Equipment of EN Technologies Inc. in Korea DLL-EnerPulse Power Supply
EPSON TM-L90 Label Printer to communicate with TM-L90 label printer of Epson in Japan DLL-EPSON TM-L90 Label Printer
ER-MS100 Controller to communicate with sunlight controller Ten Korea Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-ER-MS100 Controller
eRTU Client for KEMCO to communicate with eRTU controller for data sending to KEMCO server equipment DLL-eRTU Client for KEMCO
eRTU Server for KEMCO to communicate with eRTU controller for data reading from KEMCO client equipment DLL-eRTU Server for KEMCO
ESS CCM to communicate with generator controller CCM model DLL-ESS CCM
ETLC Lighting Controller to communicate with lighting controller(6SRM) of M.R Engineering Co., Ltd. in Korea. DLL-ETLC Lighting Controller
EUROTHERM 800 to communicate with eurotherm 800 series of Invensys Eurotherm in U.S.A DLL-EUROTHERM800
EXPERT EX9000 DIO/AIO Series to communicate with Data Acquisition Module of EXPERT in Taiwan DLL-EXPERT EX9000 DIO/AIO Series
FARA-N Ethernet to communicate with FARA-N PLC of SAMSUNG in Korea. DLL-SAMSUNG FARA-N Ethenrnet
Fatech FaT(TLC1000) to communicate with controller of Fatech Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-Fatech FaT(TLC1000)
FC-600DRS to communicate with DRS flow controller of NKE System Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-FC-600
FCU 2000 Version 4 to communicate with building automation controller of Shin-A System Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-FCU 2000 Version 4
FIM Server to communicate with guest room management module of M-nextec Inc. in Korea DLL-FIM Server
Fire Detection Eye to communicate with fire monitoring controller DLL-Fire Detection Eye
Fire Fighting Emergency Broadcasting to communicate with emergency broadcasting system of fire fighting DLL-Fire Fighting Emergency Broadcasting
FLOS Batch Controller BC410 to communicate with BC410 flow controller of FLOS(or FnS Plus Co.) DLL- FLOS Batch Controller BC410
Flotron NF560 Batch Controller to communicate with NF560 Batch Controller  of Flotron CO., LTD. in Korea DLL-Flotron NF560 Batch Controller
FnS FC410 Series to communicate with GAS Flow Computer of FnS Plus Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-FnS FC410 Series
FP93_FLOW to communicate with GENIUS PM  FP-93 Flow Processor of EMCO(Engineering Measurements Company) in U.S.A DLL-FP93 Flow Processor
FREQROL 500 Seties Inverter to communicate with inverter controller of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation in Japan DLL-FREQROL 500 Series Inverter
FS-1020A to communicate with Weighing Indicator controller FS-1020A model of Fine Mechatronics Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-FS-1020A
FS-1200C to communicate with Weighing Indicator controller FS-1200C model of Fine Mechatronics Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-FS-1200C
FUJI                    to communicate with PLC of Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. in Japan DLL-Fuji MICREX-F
FUJI FC Series CCS to communicate with CCS controller of Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. in Japan DLL-FUJI FC Series CCS
FUJI MICREX-F ENET to communicate with ethernet module PLC((120S ~ 150S, 120H ~ 150H) of Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. in Japan DLL-Fuji MICREX-F ENET
FUJI MICREX-SX LOADER ENET/SERIAL to communicate with  MICREX-SX PLC Loader port of Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. in Japan DLL-FUJI MICREX-SX LOADER ENET/SERIAL
G2Scan 4799 Transformer to communicate with Hydrogen Analyzer of H2scan Corp. in U.S.A G-H2Scan 4799 Transformer
G-IT Client to communicate with G-IT server of Hancess Co., Ltd. in Korea G-IT Client
GANTNER           to communicate with GANTNER controller of Gantner Instruments Test & Measurement GmbH in Germany GANTNER
GasDna IR-Series to communicate with IR-Series Infrared Themometer of GasDna Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-GasDna IR-Series
GDC                    to communicate with GDC power demand controller of Nuri Control System in Korea  
GE-CCM Serial to communicate(serial,  RS-232C or RS-422/485) with PLC of GE Fanuc Automation in U.S.A GE-CCM Serial
GE-SNP              to communicate(loader port) with PLC of GE Fanuc Automation in U.S.A GE-SNP
GE-Ethernet       to communicate(ethernet) with PLC of GE Fanuc Automation in U.S.A DLL-GE-Ethernet
GE-TLC to communicate(ethernet) with PLC of GE Fanuc Automation in U.S.A DLL-GE-TLC
Genius GT-400 Pressure Controller to communicate with pressure controller of Genius Technologies Co., Ltd. in Korea  DLL-Genius GT-400 Pressure Controller
Genius GT-600 to communicate with Smart Exhaust Throttle Valve controller of Genius Technologies Co., Ltd. in Korea  DLL-Genius GT-600
GINICE GR Series to communicate with GR Series temperature/humidity controller of Ginice Korea Co,. Ltd.  in Korea DLL-GINICE GR Series
GL-820 Data Logger to communicate with Data Logger controller of Grape Tec  in Korea DLL-GL-820 Data Logger
GLA MD1000       to communicate with controller of GLa electronica  in Korea DLL-Gla MD1000
GLOFA   to communicate with GLOFA PLC(232/422/485) of LSIS Co., Ltd.  in Korea GLOFA
GLOFA CNET       to communicate with GLOFA GM series PLC(232/422/485) of LSIS Co., Ltd.  in Korea DLL-Glofa CNET
GLOFA CNET2 to communicate with GLOFA GM series PLC of CUEA serial(232/422/485) of LSIS Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-Glofa2 CNET
GLOFA ENET       to communicate with Glofa PLC of ethernet port of LSIS Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-Glofa Ethernet
GLOFA FNET       to communicate with Glofa PLC of Fnet module of LSIS Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-Glofa Fnet
GLOFA GM Loader to communicate with GLOFA GM series PLC of Loader port of LSIS Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-GLOFA GM Loader
GMPC to communicate with power meter GIMAC, GIMAC II, GIMAC III/GIPAM/uRTU, u-RTUII, GIPAM2000, etc model of LSIS Co., Ltd.  in Korea DLL-GMPC
GMPC II to communicate with power meter GIMAC, GIMAC II, GIMAC III/GIPAM/uRTU, u-RTUII, GIPAM2000, etc model of LSIS Co., Ltd.  in Korea DLL-GMPC II
GMPC III Modbus protocol by GMPCIII¿¡¼­ Modbus DLL-GMPC-MODBUS
GP Ethernet to communicate with GP touch panel computer of ethernet port of Digital Electronics Corporation Co., Ltd. in Japan DLL-GP Ethernet
GP-9002 ACP Controller to communicate with ACP CAC Controller of LG Electronics in Korea. DLL-GP-9002 ACP Controller
Granville Vacuum Gauge307 to communicate with Vacuum Gauge Controller of Helix Technology Corporation in U.S.A DLL-Granville Vacuum Gauge307
GS-5000F Master to communicate with GS-500F controller of Kotech Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-GS-500F Master
GSI-2000 CRT to communicate with GSI-200 CRT controller of Gumsung fire & security Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-GSI-2000 CRT
HalTech CParticle to communicate with particle counter of Hal Technology, LLC, in U.S.A DLL-HalTech CParticle
Hando USB IO Module to communicate with USB IO Module of Hando Computer Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-Hando USB IO Module
HanSung Rain to communicate with rain gauge of HangSung Electronics in Korea DLL-HanSung Rain
Hantec CPU/LIU Lighting to communicate with CPU/LIU(HT-130I) lighting controller of Hantec Electronics in Korea DLL-Hantec CPU/LIU Lighting
HanYoung GR100 to communicate with graphic recorder controller of HanYoungNux  Co,. Ltd. in Korea DLL- HanYoung GR100
HanYoung MP3 to communicate with digital panel meter MP3 model of HanYoung Nux Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL- HanYoung MP3
HANYOUNG NP Series to communicate with digital temperature controller of HanYoung Nux Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-HANYOUNG NP Series
HANYOUNG SM100 to communicate with SM100 multi-channel temperature controller of HanYoungNux  Co,. Ltd. in Korea DLL-HanYoung SM100
HD-2200 Integrator & Batch Counter to communicate with Multi Integrator & Batch Counter controller of ISM Co,. Ltd. in Korea DLL-HD-2200 Integrator & Batch Counter
HDP-600S to communicate with DPM meter DLL-HDP_600S
Heating Jacket Controller to communicate with Temperature Controller of Milaebo Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-Heating Jacket Controller
HIBRAIN to communicate with PLC of Samsung Electronics and Hitachi DLL-HIBRAIN H Series
HICM860 to communicate with HIMAP power meter of Hyundai Heavy Industries Co,. Ltd. in Korea DLL-HICM860
HICM860 PLUS to communicate with communication converter controller of Hyundai Heavy Industries Co,. Ltd. in Korea DLL-HICM860 PLUS
HIOKI3154/HP34401A INSTRUMENT to communicate with HIMAP power meter of Hyundai Heavy Industries Co,. Ltd. in Korea DLL-HIOKI3154/HP34401A INSTRUMENT
HIVO Protocol to communicate with 'Safety alarm controller for power distribution' of Samsung Powertech in Korea DLL-HIVO Protocol
HJ RCU to communicate with RCU controller of Hanjun Mechanism Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-HJ RCU
HNS Smart I/O I Read/Write to communicate with Smart I GPIO equipment of HNS Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-HNS Smart I/O I Read/Write
HOST-LINK to communicate with PLC of OMRON in Japan HOST-LINK
HP34970A to communicate with Data Acquisition / Switch Unit of Hewlett Packard in U.S.A DLL-HP34970A
HPM-VI MODBUS to communicate with digital power meter controller of HyoSung in Korea DLL-HPR-VI MODBUS
HPR-MD MODBUS to communicate with digital protective relay controller of HyoSung in Korea DLL-HPR-MD MODBUS
HSCP to communicate with normal controller of Autobase Inc. in Korea DLL-HSCP
HSPV-3002 Inverter to communicate with Inverter of Hansol technics Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-HSPV-3002 Inverter
HTTP Data Read to read Html file of specific html page DLL-HTTP Data Read
HY-DAC to communicate with power meter controller of Hanyang Electric Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-HY_DAC
HYDRAN 201Ti to communicate with Intelligent Transmitter of General Electric Canada Inc. in Canada DLL-HYDRAN 201Ti
ICE97A01 to communicate with controller of Hightech Engineering CO., Ltd. in Korea DLL-ICE97A01
iCountPD Particle Counter to communicate with Particle Counter of Parker Hannifin Corp. in U.S.A. DLL-iCountPD Particle Counter
ICP CON             to communicate with controller of Measurement Systems Ltd. in U.K DLL-ICP CON
iGCP10 Digital Control      to communicate with power meter controller of K2 Power Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-iGCP10 Digital Control
iGrow 1400(Link4 Corp)    to communicate with controller(for measuring temperature, humidity, wind direction, wind speed, rainfall, ...) of  Link4 Corporation in U.S.A DLL-iGrow 1400(Link4 Corp)
IHI Turbo Compressor to communicate with compressor controller of Ishkawajima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. in Japan DLL-IHI Turbo Compressor
IICS TCP/IP 1 to send 'analog value' by periods DLL-IICS TCP/IP 1
IICS TCP/IP 2 to write 'digital value' a specific area DLL-IICS TCP/IP 2
Imaging Source Camera to communicate with Image Capture Equipment of The Imaging Source Europe GmbH in the Germany DLL-Imaging Source Camera
IMS CLIENT to communicate with IMS Server of Samsung Electronics in Korea DLL-IMS CLIENT
INET Lightron to communicate with lighting controller of Hana Mechanism in Korea DLL-INET Lightron
INFICON UL200 to communicate with leak detector controller of INFICON GmbH in Germany DLL-INFICON UL200
INGERSOLL-RAND MP3/MVP to communicate with air compressor controller of Ingersoll-Land Air Compressors DLL-INGERSOLL-RAND MP3/MVP
Instromet MODBUS ASCII to communicate with gas measurement corrector( 793-1K, ¡¦ ) controller of  Instromet International in Belgium DLL-Instromet MODBUS ASCII
Instromet Volume Corrector 555 to communicate with Volume Corrector 555  of Instromet in Belgie DLL-Instromet Volume Corrector 555
Intellex-500 Fire Monitoring Controller to communicate with Intellex-500 fire monitoring system DLL-Intellex-500 Fire Monitoring Controller
ION8000 Series Power Meter to communicate with power meter ION 7500, 7600, 8000 Series of  POWER MEASUREMENT in Canada DLL-MODBUS2
IoTech MultiScan 1200 to communicate with TempScan/MultiScan High-speed temperature, voltage system of   IoTech in U.S.A DLL-IoTech MultiScan 1200
IP Broadcasting Agent to communicate with 'Agent program' for IP broadcasting of New Sol Com Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-IP Broadcasting Agent
ISM 2.3Inch LED Display to communicate with LED display controller of  ISM Co,. Ltd. in Korea DLL-ISM 2.3Inch LED Display
IT8500 Series DC Loads to communicate with electronic load controller IT8511, IT8512, etc of  ITECH Electronic Co,. Ltd. in Korea DLL-IT8500 Series DC Loads
JADPM to communicate with electronic display board controller of JoongAng Control Co,. in Korea DLL-JADPM
JAIME 1000 Printer to communicate with industria inkjet printer( for cable print ) of  IMAJE SA in France DLL-JAIME 1000 Printer
JARADA MOSAIC to communicate with mosaoc controller of Jarada Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-JARADA
JBI TCP Server to communicate with JBI TCP client of JoongAng Control CO., LTD. in Korea DLL-JBI TCP Server
JC-2302 to communicate with JC-2302  of JoongAng Control CO., LTD. in Korea DLL-JC-2302 Lighting Controller
JC-2310 to communicate with Lighting controller of JoongAng Control CO., LTD. in Korea DLL-JC_2310
JEM10 to communicate with phase controller of SCIENTIFIC COLUMBUS in U.S.A DLL-JEM10
JL2-F140-M LED Sensor Controller to communicate with LED Sensor lighting controler of JoongAng Control Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-JL2-F140-M LED Sensor Controller
JOAS DALI Lighting Controller to communicate with DALI Lighting system of JoongAng Control Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-JOAS DALI Lighting Controller
Johnson Controls DX9100 to communicate with DX9100 controller of Johnson Controls, Inc. in U.S.A DLL-Johnson Controls DX9100
JS Tech DPM to communicate with display panel meter of Jongsung Tech Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-JS Tech DPM
K-TURBO Blower to communicate with blower controller DLL-K-TURBO Blower
K-WATER to communicate with water level monitoring controller DLL-K-WATER
KACO Powador Inverter to communicate with inverter controller of KACO Geratetechnic GmbH in Germany DLL-KACO Powador Inverter
KACO XP100-HV to communicate with inverter controller of KACO Geratetechnic GmbH in Germany DLL-KACO XP100-HV Inverter
KBT KB-750 Series to communicate with controller of KBT Co,. Ltd. in Korea DLL-KBT KB-750 Series
KD Power AD-204 to communicate with AD-204 controller of KD Power Co,. Ltd. in Korea DLL-KD Power AD-204
KD Power Relay 206 to communicate with relay input, output controller of KD Power Co,. Ltd. in Korea DLL-KD Power Relay 206
KD Power W3005 to communicate with W3005 controller of KD Power Co,. Ltd. in Korea DLL-KD Power W3005
KDC-L16 to communicate with chiller load controller of Ki In System in Korea DLL-KDC-L16
KETT PT-2600 Receive Only to communicate with hydrometer controller of Kett Electric Laboratory in Japan DLL-KETT PT-2600 Receive Only
KEN-1000x Power Meter to communicate with power meter controller of KD Power Co,. Ltd. in Korea DLL-KEN-100x Power Meter
KEN-2000N Power Meter to communicate with power meter controller of KD Power Co,. Ltd. in Korea DLL-KEN-2000N Power Meter
KEN-200DM to communicate with demand controller of KD Power Co,. Ltd. in Korea DLL-KEN-200DM
KEP SuperTrol II to communicate with SuperTrol II multifunction flow computer of Kessler-Ellis Products in U.S.A DLL-KEP SuperTrol II
KEYENCE LS-3002/3004 to communicate with diameter instrument by laser of KEYENCE in Japan DLL-KEYENCE LS-3002/3004
KEYENCE RD Series to communicate with length measurement controller of KEYENCE in Japan DLL-KEYENCE RD Series
KILO Power Meter to communicate with power meter(Three-phase energy analyzer and controller) of ELECTREX in Italy DLL-KILO Power Meter
KM_MAP to communicate with Map board controller of KwangMyung Control Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-KWANG MYUNG MAPBOARD
KMA Weather Data Read to communicate with '' weather service of KMA DLL-KMA Weather Data Read
KNX EIB 485 Protocol to communicate with standard protocol(by 485) of KNX Association DLL-KNX EIB 485 Protocol
KNF_SIMDOS_02Protocol to communicate with standard protocol(by 232) of KNF_SIMDOS_02 DLL-KNF_SIMDOS_02
Koyama Torquewish Controller to communicate with Electric screw-driver  of Koyama Co., Ltd. in Japan DLL-Koyama Torquewish Controller
KR-100N Recorder to communicate with recorder controller of Konics in Japan DLL-KR-100N Recorder
KU-R3400 Card Reader to communicate with carder reader of Kyushu Matsushita Electric Co., Ltd. in Japan DLL-KU-R3400 Card Reader
Kubota KF-C3000 Weight Meter to communicate with weight meter of Kubota in Japan DLL-Kubota KF-C3000 Weight Meter
KVC450 Compact SHIM Gauge to communicate with KVC450 Compact SHIM Gauge Module of KVC CO., LTD. in Korea DLL-KVC450 Compact SHIM Gauge
KYT-7000 Series Card Reader to communicate with 7000 Series Card Reader of KYTronics Co., Ltd, in Korea DLL-KYT-7000 Series Card Reader
LA250(MK250)     to communicate with controller(MK250) of ASR LA250
LDMS Controller  to communicate with controller of TTS DLL-LDMS Controller
LG GH1000          to communicate with GH1000, GH500 controller of LG Honeywell DLL-LG GH1000
LG SV-IS5 to communicate with inverter of LSIS Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-LG SV-IS5
LG System Air Comditioner PI-485 to communicate with system air conditioner of LG Electronics in Korea DLL- LG System Air Conditioner PI-485
Light Star DPM to communicate with DPM controller DLL-Light Star DPM
LINSEIS LPD12 Recorder to communicate with recorder of Linseis in Germany DLL-LINSEIS LPD12 Recorder
Lonworks Object Server Read/Write to communicate with LNS controller of Echelon Corporation in U.S.A DLL-Lonworks Object Server Read/Write
LPF-7000 Series Projector to communicate with projector equipment DLL-UICS
LS PCU Inverter to communicate with PCU inverter of LSIS Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-LS PCU Inverter
LS Remote Metering to communicate with HCU remote metering controller of LSIS Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-LS Remote Metering
M200G Series to communicate with flow meterM200G Series(M200G, M242G, M250G, ...) of Spirax Sarco in England DLL-M200G Series
M2I TOP Series  to communicate with TOP5SAD/TOP5TAS series touch panel of M2I Coporation in Korea DLL-M2I TOP Series
MAHA1256           to communicate with controller of Daehan Control Technology in Korea DLL-MAHA1256
MASTER-K          to communicate with PLC(MASTER-K10/30/50/60/200 series and MASTER-K500/1000,500H/1000H) of LSIS Co., Ltd.  in Korea MASTER-K
MASTER-K10/60/200 to communicate with MASTER-K 10/30/50/60/200 series PLC of LSIS Co., Ltd.  in Korea MASTER-K10/60/200
MASTER-K10S1 to communicate with MASTER-K 10S1 model PLC of LSIS Co., Ltd.  in Korea DLL-MASTER-K10S1 RS232
MASTER-K250 to communicate with PLC of LSIS Co., Ltd.  in Korea MASTER-K250
MASTER-K30/50 to communicate with MASTER-K 30/50 series model PLC of LSIS Co., Ltd.  in Korea MASTER-K30/50
MASTER-K CNET to communicate(serial) with MASTER-K S PLC(K1000S, K500S, K300S, K200S, ... model) of LSIS Co., Ltd.  in Korea DLL-MASTER-K CNET
MASTER-K Ethernet to communicate with GLOFA GK PLC(with ethernet communication) of LSIS Co., Ltd.  in Korea DLL-MASTER-K Ethernet
MASTER-K S Series Loader to communicate with loader port(MASTER-K 80S, ¡¦, 200S, 300S, 1000S PLC) of LSIS Co., Ltd.  in Korea DLL-MASTER-K S Series Loader
MAXCOM            to communicate with MAXCOM PLC of TongYang Co., Ltd.  in Korea DLL-MAXCOM
M-BUS For Relay Etc to communicate with Heat Meter, Sensor, ... of Relay GmbH in Germany DLL-M-BUS For Relay Etc
M-BUS Cyble to communicate with capacity measurement controller of Relay GmbH in Germany DLL-M-BUS Cyble
MCC 2060 to communicate with motor control and protection controller of KD Power Co,. Ltd. in Korea DLL-MCC 2060
MCS 200 Series to communicate with power Infrared temperature sensor(MCS-TP200), detection sensor for Arcing(MCS-AC200), detection sensor for partial discharge(MCS-PD200) controller of Multi Control System in Korea DLL-MCS 200 Series
MCU100 Mark to communicate with marking controller of Jeil M Tech Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-MCU100 Mark
MCU_256L Lighting Controller to communicate with lighting controller of SmartOn Technology in Korea DLL-MCU_256L Lighting Controller
MD-2100RTU to communicate with rain gauge of JongSung Tech Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-MD-2100RTU
MEGA DDC ( NARA ) to communicate with DDC controller of Nara control in Korea DLL-MEGA DDC ( NARA )
Megatec Extended Communication to communicate with Three-Phase UPS of Mega System Technologies,Inc. in Taiwan DLL-Megatec Extended Communication
MELSEC ENET to communicate with MJ71E71, AJ71E71, FX3U ¡¦ module of MELSEC PLC of Mitsubishi in Japan DLL-MELSEC_ENET
MELSEC ENET 3E to communicate with MJ71QE71, QJ71E71 module of MELSEC PLC of Mitsubishi in Japan DLL-MELSEC_3ENET
Melsec Q Series CPU to communicate with CPU serial module of Melsec Q Series PLC. ( Mitsubishi Electric Corporation of Japan ) DLL-Melsec Q Series CPU
MelSer I/O J4 Series to communicate with AC Servo J4 series of Mitsubishi Electric  in Japan DLL-MelSer I/O J4 Series
Mentor II             to communicate with DC driver controller of Control Techniques DLL-Mentor II
MESL-S to communicate with lighting controller of Toshiba in Japan DLL-MESL-S Toshiba Light Controller
MESL-S NEW Toshiba Light to communicate with lighting controller of Toshiba in Japan DLL-MESL-S NEW Toshiba Light
MET ONE Particle Counter to communicate with water quality analyzer of Met One Instruments Inc. in U.S.A DLL-MET ONE Particle Counter
MF2(BL-7000)     to communicate with BL-7000 controller MF2
MI-4200A Digital Weighing Indicator to communicate with  MI-4200A Digital Weighing Indicator of MiGun ST Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-MI-4200A Digital Weighing Indicator
Mini-Convectron Module to communicate with  Dual Process Relays of Helix Technology Corporation in U.S.A DLL-Mini-Convectron Module
MIRAE MR800 Series to communicate with indicator controller of Mirae E&I in Korea DLL-MIRAE MR8000 Series
Micro Jet Recorder to communicate with recorder controller of Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. in Japan DLL-Micro Jet Recorder
Mitsubishi Wind Turbine C-NET to communicate with wind turbine of Mitsubishi in Japan DLL-Mitsubishi Wind Turbine C-NET
MJ71E71(MELSEC) to communicate with MELSEC PLC( ethernet communication ) of Mitsubishi in Japan MJ71E71
MK Electronics DT Series to communicate with digital panel meter(DPM), automatic power factor corrector of MK Electronics in Korea DLL-MK Electronics DT Series
MKS 146 Vacuum Gauge Measurement to communicate with type 146 series controller of MKS Instruments, Inc. in U.S.A DLL-MKS 146 Vacuum Gauge Measurement
MODBUS2 to communicate with Modicon PLC in U.S.A DLL-MODBOS2
MODBUS2 to communicate with ERZ 9000 T Corrector of Karl Wieser Gmbh in Germany DLL-MODBUS2
MODBUS_PLUS to communicate with modbus Plus protocol of MODBUS protocol DLL-MODPLUS
MODBUS_RTU Mode to communicate with RTU mode of MODBUS protocol DLL-MODBUS-RTU Mode
Modern Tech Display Individual to communicate with display board Modern Tech in Korea DLL-Modern Tech Display Individual
Modern Tech Display Total to communicate with display board Modern Tech in Korea DLL-Modern Tech Display Total
MODICON           to communicate with Modicon PLC in U.S.A MODICON
MQTTClient           MQTT Client communication driver DLL-MQTTClient_paho3as
MYPRO CPIII to communicate with screw compressor of  MAYEKAWA Total System21 in Japan MYPRO CPIII
NAM IL NCT-P3 Current Measurement to communicate with NCT P3 current measurement controller of NAM IL Engineering in Korea DLL-NAM IL NCT-P3 Current Measurement
NAM IL S-202 Temp to communicate with temperature controller of NAM IL Engineering in Korea DLL-NAM IL S-202 Temp
NAM IL S-302CR to communicate with temperature controller of Namil Engineering in Korea DLL-NAM IL S-302CR
Nano Ball System to communicate with normal controller DLL-Nano Ball System
Nara BA System to communicate with BA controller of Nara Control in Korea DLL-Nara BA System
NCBOY-200(Toshiba) to communicate with NCBOY-200 servo motor controller of Toshiba in Japan DLL-NCBOY-200(Toshiba)
NetWork Client to communicate with other system of Communication Server DLL-NetWork Client
NetWork Client Multi         to communicate with other system of Communication Server NetWork Client Multi
NetWork Client Virtual to communicate with other system of Communication Server NetWork Client Virtual
NJT Protocol to communicate with Teeup Controller DLL-NJT Protocol
NJTP Server to communicate with Teeup Client System DLL-NJTP Server
NMS Controller Client to communicate with NMS system DLL-NMS Controller Client
NS370 4A/6A DPM (SAM JUNG) to communicate with Digital Panel Meter( DPM ) of Samjung C & S System Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-NS370 4A/6A DPM (SAM JUNG)
ODA DC-Power Supply Ex Series to communicate with DC Power Supply of ODA Technologies in Korea DLL-ODA DC-Power Supply Ex Series
ODA DC-Power Supply OPM 101E to communicate with DC Power Supply of ODA Technologies in Korea DLL-ODA DC-Power Supply OPM 101E
OMRON to communicate with PLC of OMRON Corporation in Japan HOST-LINK
OMRON SYSMAC Ethernet to communicate with PLC( ethernet module ) of OMRON Corporation in Japan DLL-OMRON SYSMAC Ethernet
OPC Client Data Read/Write to communicate with Opc Client program DLL-OPC Client Data Read/Write
OPTO22 to communicate with normal controller of OPTO22 in U.S.A DLL-OPTO22
OSC to communicate with oscillator controller of Korea Instrument Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-OSC
OVAL 400 Series to communicate with Gas & Steam Flow Computer of OVAL in Japan DLL-OVAL 400 Series
OVAL NF500 Series to communicate with Gas & Steam Flow Computer of OVAL in Japan DLL-OVAL NF500 Series
P-300 Temperature Controller to communicate with temperature controller of Digital Korea CO., LTD. in Korea DLL-P-300 Temperature Controller
P-300AD Temperature Controller to communicate with P-300AD of Digital Korea CO., LTD. in Korea DLL-P-300AD Temperature Controller
Particle Counter C10/77   to communicate with Particle sensor of Analytical Technology, U.K DLL- Particle Counter C10/77
PCD       to communicate with P8 protocol of Saia-Burgess Controls in Switzerland PCD
PCD-SBUS         to communicate with S-BUS protocol of Saia-Burgess Controls in Switzerland DLL-PCD-SBUS, PCD-SBUS
PCD S-BUS Ethernet to communicate with S-BUS ethernet protocol of Saia-Burgess Controls in Switzerland DLL-PCD S-BUS Ethernet
PCL-726             to communicate with input/output card of Advantech Co., Ltd. in Taiwan DLL-PCL-726
PCL-812PG         to communicate with input/output card of Advantech Co., Ltd. in Taiwan DLL-PCL-812PG
PCL-813 to communicate with input/output card of Advantech Co., Ltd. in Taiwan DLL-813
PDMS-S Protocol to communicate with Partial Discharge Monitoring System for SWGR controller of Woo Ri E&C in Korea DLL-PDMS-S Protocol
PEMS TCU Protocol to communicate with Power monitoring controller of M.Nextec Inc. in Korea DLL-PEMS TCU Protocol
Pine View to communicate with temperature measurement controller of PineSys Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-Pine View
PLC-BUS Controller to communicate with Power Line Communication Bus equipments DLL-PLC-BUS Controller
PM-170E to communicate with Power meter controller(PM-170E or PM-130E/PM-130P ) of SATEC in U.S.A PM-170E
PM-B    to communicate with PM series power meter controller of Light Star Instrument Co., Ltd. in Korea PM-B
Power Logic SY/MAX to communicate with Power Logic Circuit Monitor(2000 Series) of Schneider Electric DLL-Power Logic SY/MAX
PortaSonic 7000 to communicate with Flow Meter PortaSonic 7000 and MoniSonic 4600 of Badger meter Europe GmbH in Germany DLL-PortaSonic 7000
PowerSync to communicate with Compressor controller DLL-PowerSync
PowerTech DSP to communicate with Rectifier DSP controller of PowerTech in Korea DLL-PowerTech DSP
PowerTronics PQR Data Read to communicate with PQR ( D50, ... ) controller of PowerTronics in U.S.A DLL- PowerTronics PQR Data Read
PR4000 Series to communicate with  PR 4000 Series controller of MKS Technology for productivity in Korea DLL-PR4000 Series
Prima-T8 KVM Switcher to communicate with monitor, mouse, keyboard switching controller of UNICLASS in Taiwan DLL-Prima-T8 KVM Switcher
PROCOM PM300 to communicate with Power Meter PM300 controller of ProCom System Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-PROCOM PM300
PSDTech PQM to communicate with Power Meter controller of PsdTech Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-PSDTech PQM
PSDTech Send Data the driver periodic data sending to server DLL-PSDTech Send Data
PSDTech TOID System to communicate with analysis controller( current, temperature, voltage, ... ) of PsdTech Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-PSDTech TOID System
PT-L to communicate with LCD Projector PT-L Series of Panasonic in Japan PT-L
PVZ108-MODBUS to communicate with PVZ108 controller supporting Modbus protocol DLL-PVZ108-MODBUS
Q-Light Tower Lamp to communicate with Tower Lamp controller of Q-Light Co., Ltd. in Korea. PT-Q-Light Tower Lamp
Quali_Line Protocol to communicate with QUALI-LINE equipment of ECI Technology in U.S.A. DLL-Quali_Line Protocol
Read Multi ASCII Data to communicate with normal controlloer for read ASCII data DLL-Read Multi ASCII Data
RecDigitJbus to communicate with Power Meter controller of Enerdis in France DLL-RecDigit JBUS
Receive only ASCII to receive the continuously sending data from controller DLL-Receive Only ASCII
REFUsol Inverter to communicate with 008K - 020K Inverter of REFUsol Elektronik GmbH in Germany DLL-REFUsol Inverter
RHU to communicate with RHU automatic insertion machine controller DLL-RHU
RKC to communicate with CB100, CB400, CB500, CB700 and CB900 module digital controller of RKC Instrument Corp., in Japan DLL-RKC CB100-CB900
RKC MA900/901 to communicate with Multi-Point Digital controller of RKC Instrument Corp., in Japan DLL-RKC SR Mini HG
RKC_REX to communicate with REX G9, F400, F700, F900 digital controller of RKC Instrument Corp., in Japan DLL-RKC_REX
RKC_SRMini_HG to communicate with multi point control system of RKC Instrument in Japan DLL-RKC SR Mini HG
RLINK                  to communicate with lighting controller of GE in U.S.A DLL-RLINK
RM-110               to communicate with power meter controller of Takemoto Electronics in Japan DLL-RM-110
Rootech Power Meter to communicate with Power Meter (RT-V100 model standards) controller of Rootech Corp, in Korea DLL-RooTech Power Meter
ROOTECH RTM-200 to communicate with RTM 200 Power Meter device of Rootech Corp, in Korea DLL-ROOTECH RTM-200
S-TURBO Compressor to communicate with TURBO Compressor device developed in Korea DLL-S-TURBO Compressor
SABROE Protocol 0178-400 to communicate with Comressor/Chiller of Sabroe Refrigeration in Denmark DLL-SABROE Protocol 0178-400
SACI JBUS          to communicate with controller(IFRA) of SACI Corp. DLL-SACI JBUS
SAM_AIR to communicate with thermo-hygrostat controller of Samwha Ace in Korea DLL-SAM_AIR
SAMO-LCM-640 to communicate with lighting controller of ShinA System in Korea DLL-LCM-640
SAMO-SE-NET to communicate with various controllers(SIDC/FCU-2000 etc) which are produced/sold at SAM-O SYSTEM, through Ethernet DLL-SE-NET
SAMOFCU2 to communicate with produced/sold at SAM-O SYSTEM, in Korea DLL-SAMOFCU2
Samsung AHU System to communicate with system air conditioner of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-Samsung AHU System
Samsung STP-131 Mini Printer for printing to STP-131 mini printer of Samsung Electronics DLL-Samsung STP-131 Mini Printer
SANI_DNP to communicate with DNP3.0 protocol for SANION Corp., Ltd, in Korea DLL-SANI_DNP
Sanil STC10 Series to communicate with temperature controller developed at Sanil Electronics Co., Ltd, in Korea DLL-Sanil STC10 Series
SanRex DC AUTO C Type to communicate with controller of ß² Þä ï³ Ñ¦  ð² í ᶠCorp., Ltd, in Japan DLL-SanRex DC AUTO C Type
SATEC PM296 to communicate with Power Meter PM296 of SATAC Corp., in Israel DLL-SATEC PM296
SATEC RPT091 to communicate with Power Meter RPT091 of SATAC Corp., in Israel DLL-SATEC RPT091
Screw Manager BM Series to communicate with BM series( screw fastener ) equipment of IDEKEIKI in Japan DLL-Screw Manager BM Series
SD_PUMP          to communicate with pump controller of S.D Engineering Co DLL-S.D PUMPCON
SDD-OT Controller to communicate with SDD-OT controller of Genad System Corp. in Korea DLL-SDD-OT Controller
SDS20 to communicate with thermo-hygrostat controller of Seung IlL Electronic DLL-SEUNG IL Temp
SDS21 to communicate with DDC controller of Seung IL Electronic DLL-SEUNG IL DDC 21
SeaTech Panel Controller to communicate with panel controller of Sea Tech, in Korea DLL-SeaTech Panel Controller
SEC_UPS to communicate with SEC Standard UPS controller DLL-SEC_UPS
SECS Host/Equipmemt to communicate by using Semiconductor Equipment Communication Standard Protocol DLL-SECS Host/Equipmemt
SEE YOUNG POARD to communicate with Power Meter of SEE YOUNG POARD Corp., Ltd, in Korea DLL-SEE YOUNG POARD 
SENA RHIO 10     to communicate with I/O device of SENA TECHNOLOGY Corp., Ltd in Korea DLL-SENA RHIO 10 
SEUNG IL RCU    to communicate with SEUNG IL RCU(Remote Control Unit) communication driver DLL-SEUNG IL RCU
SF-2200 Protocol to communicate with Gas Volume Conversion Device of JB Enertek in Korea DLL-SF-2200 Protocol
SF6 3800 Series to communicate with gas density monitroing controller(SF6) of HISCO Inc. in Korea DLL-SF 3800 Series
ShinHan LoadCell Data Read to read Load Cell data of Shinhan Electronics in Korea DLL-ShinHan LoadCell Data Read
SHINKO FC to communicate with FCD/FCR/FCS controller of SHINKO TECHNOS Corp., in Japan DLL-SHINKO FC
ShinPoong MUX-VWX to communicate with MUX controller manufactured by SHINPOONG Consultant, in Korea DLL-ShinPoong MUX-VWX
ShinWoo AHU Controller to communicate with communication air conditioning controller of ShinWoo FCU Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-ShinWoo AHU Controller
SHN-2800 Totalizer to communicate with SHN-2800 Totalizer Equipment of Shinho System Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL- SHN-2800 Totalizer
SHN-3110 Indicator to communicate with Graphic Indicator of Shinho System Co., Ltd DLL-SHN-3110 Indicator
SIEMENS_3964R to communicate with 3964R which is one of  RS-232 protocol of SIEMENS S5, S7 type PLC, in Germany DLL-SIEMENS-3964R
SIEMENS Building Level Network to communicate with building automation device of SIEMENS Corp., in Germany DLL-SIEMENS Building Level Network
SIEMENS LOGO Learn Module to communicate with LOGO instructional device of SIEMENS Corp., in Germany DLL-SIEMENS LOGO Learn Module
SIEMENS_RK512 to communicate with PLC of SIEMENS Corp., in Germany as serial ( RS-232C, RS-422/485 ) communication DLL-SIEMENS-RK512
SIEMENS_S7 TCP/IP to communicate with SIEMENS S7 PLC TCP/IP module in Germany DLL-SIEMENS-S7 TCP/IP
SIEMENS_S7 TCP/IP2 to communicate with SIEMENS S7 PLC TCP/IP module in Germany DLL-SIEMENS-S7 TCP/IP2
SIEMENS S7-200 PPI to communicate with PLC S7-200 model of SIEMENS Corp., in Germany DLL-SIEMENS S7-200 PPI
Sin Young Access Control Unit to communicate with access control system device of Sin Young E&T Corp., Ltd, in Korea DLL- Sin Young Access Control Unit
SKM500 DPM to communicate with output only DPM Meter of SeonKwang System, in Korea DLL-SKM500 DPM
SKY-Control SIDC-100M to communicate with controller of SKY Control Co., Ltd in Korea DLL-SKY-Control SIDC-100M
SLR5100 RF Protocol to communicate with RF module of SiLion Co. Ltd,. in China DLL-SLR5100 RF Protocol
SMC_MUX           to communicate with Universal Mux. System developed, in Korea DLL-SMC-MUX
SM controller      to communicate with controller for Electricity/Lighting DLL-SM-Controller
SM Instruments CTOD to communicate with CTOD device of SM Instruments Corp., in Korea DLL-SM Instruments CTOD
Smart Eye R4 to communicate with power monitoring controller of BMT Co,. Ltd. in Korea. DLL-Smart Eye R4
SmartOn Dimming Module to communicate with wireless dimming controller of SmartOn Techonology in Korea DLL-SmartOn Dimming Module
SNCU-2A Light Controooler           to communicate with light control device of Shingyoung ENT Co., Ltd, in Korea DLL-SNCU-2A Light Controller
Solar Inverter to communicate with inverter controller of Hex Power System Co., Ltd, in Korea DLL-Solar Inverter
Soleaf PCS(Dass Tech) to communicate with grid-connected inverter device of DASS Tech Co., Ltd, Korea DLL-Soleaf PCS(Dass Tech)
SPC-300 to communicate with SPC-300 / SPC-10 / FARAn PLUS PLC of Samsung in Korea SPC-300
SPD-110 Display Controller to communicate with LED display controller of SPDDATA DLL-SPD-110 Display Controller
Speed Chiller Controller to communicate with cooler controller device of Sam Jung Eng Co., Ltd, in Korea DLL-Speed Chiller Controller
Spirax Sarco Mag910 FlowMeter to communicate with Mag910 Flow Meter device of Spirax Sarco Corp., in Britain SPC-Spirax Sarco Mag910 FlowMeter
Spot Eye Modbus to communicate with Spot Eye of Koduct, Co., Ltd, in Korea SPC-Spot Eye Modbus
SPT600 Series UPS to communicate with UPS device of Sampoong Power Tech Co., Ltd, in Korea DLL-SPT600 Series UPS
SR90 Series Digital Controller to communicate with controller of Shimaden Co., Ltd, in Japan DLL-SR90 Series Digital Controller
SRTU530 to communicate with SRTU530 controller of DAETech in Korea DLL-MODBUS
StarMicronics TCP Series Card Reader to communicate with Card Reader model such as TCP300/310 and etc of Star Micronics Co., Ltd.(Japan) DLL-StarMicronics TCP Series Card Reader
STHC-MB to communicate with thermo-hygrostat device of Seung IL Electronics, in Korea DLL-STHC-MB
STHC-P Micom Controller to communicate with thermo-hygrostat of Systronics Co., Ltd, in Korea DLL-STHC-P Micom Controller
SUHIL HeatPump System to communicate with Heat Pump of Suh IL Engineering Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-SUHIL HeatPump System
SUNGJIN_MOSAIC to communicate with Mosaic panel of Sungjin Ssystem, in Korea DLL-SUNGJIN MOSAIC
Sunny Net to communicate with Sunny boy device of SMA Regelsyteme Corp., in Germany DLL-Sunny Net
Sunny Net RTU to play a role as a RTU of Sunny boy(Net) device of SMA Regelsyteme Corp., in Germany DLL-Sunny Net RTU
Super PLC M Series Host Link to communicate with M Series(T100MD+, MX+) PLC of Triangle Research International, Inc., in America DLL-Super PLC M Series Host Link
SUPERVISOR II to communicate with Compressor controller developed/sold by Sullair Corp., in America DLL-SULLAIR SUPERVISOR II
SWP 2008 Digital Controller to communicate with MC Based Digital Controllers device DLL-SWP 2008 Digital Controller
Syscall FT5010 to communicate with multipurpose transmitter FT5010 device of Ntt Works Corp, in Korea DLL- Syscall FT5010 
SYS-K017           to communicate with Digital Input card (32 channel) of TechMove Electronics, in Korea  
SYS-K040 to communicate with PC internal card of TechMove Electronics, in Korea DLL-SYS-K040
SYSTEM990 LD Flow Meter to communicate with Flow Meter controller of Controlotron Corp, in America DLL-SYSTEM990 LD Flow Meter
Tascon Power Meter to communicate with power meter of Tascon Co., Ltd.  in Korea DLL-Tascon Power Meter
TC I/F to communicate with water level dashboards of Taechang Eng Co.,Ltd. in Korea DLL-TC I/F
TCU for Standby Power to communicate with standby power monitoring controller of M.Nextec LNC. in Korea DLL-TCU for Standby Power
Tele Touch Client to communicate with client controller for integrated monitoring DLL-Tele Touch Client
Teletrol Allegro   to communicate with Integrator controller of Teletrol in America DLL-Teletrol Allegro
Teletrol TSC/OPB to communicate with TSC/OPB controller of Teletrol Corp, in America DLL-Tele_OPB
TEMPRO 100 Series to communicate with freezer controller of Newtems Co.,Ltd, in Korea DLL-TEMPRO 100 Series
TGE OMiD Controller to communicate with OMiD controller of TaeGwang E&C in Korea DLL-TGE OMiD Controller
TinyPLC to communicate with Tiny PLC of Comfile Technology Corp. in Korea DLL-Tiny PLC
TMS-Client 1.0 to communicate with Management Corporation server by using protocol constituted at Environmental Management Corporation as standard DLL-TMS-Client 1.0
TMS-Meter to communicate between TMS-Client and measuring instrument as protocol constituted at KECO DLL-TMS-Meter
TMS-Meter2 to receive the data which measuring instrument sends to TMS-Client, as standard protocol constituted at KECO DLL-TMS-Meter2
TMS2000 Rain Gauge                    to communicate with raingauge controller of Alpha Tech in Korea DLL-TMS2000 Rain Gauge
TMTC                  to communicate with controller of Daecheong Engineering Co.Ltd in Korea TMTC
TOSHIBA B-SX Bar Code Printer to communicate with equipment such as Bar Code Printer B-SX4T, B-SX5T, etc of Toshiba Co., in Japan DLL-TOSHIBA B-SX Bar Code Printer
TOSHIBA_EX100 to communicate with EX100 PLC of Toshiba Co., in Japan DLL-TOSHIBA_EX100
TOSHIBA_T2/T3 Ethernet/Serial to communicate with T2/T3 PLC of Toshiba Co., in Japan DLL-TOSHIBA_T2/T3 Ethernet/Serial
TPS UPS V3.0 to communicate with UPS controller developed in Korea DLL-TPS UPS V3.0
TREND CNC to communicate with CNC controller of Trend Control Systems Ltd., in English. DLL-TREND CNC Controller
TS2000 to communicate with TS2000 DPM meter DLL-TS2000
TTM-110             to communicate with PID controller of Toho Electronics Inc. in Japan DLL-TTM-110
U-66xxP Series CMS to communicate with controller of cooling Co.,Ltd in Korea. DLL-U-66xxP Series CMS
UFL-20 Flow Meter Series to communicate with Flow Meter device of Tokimec Inc. in Japan DLL-UFL-20 Flow Meter Series
UICS to communicate with Component Sequencing System of Universal Instruments Corporation, in America DLL-UICS
UPI RF COM to communicate with Reverse Pulse Rectifier of UPI Co.,Ltd in Korea. DLL-UPI RF COM
uR1800 Recoder to communicate with recorder controller of Yokogawa Co., in Japan DLL-UR1800
Utisol Lighting Controller to communicate with Utisol lighting controller DLL-Utisol Lighting Controller
Vantage Pro2 Weather Observation to communicate Vantage Pro2(weather research craft) of Davis Instruments Corp. in America DLL-Vantage Pro2 Weather Observation
VCD to communicate with automatic inserter controller DLL-VCD
VCR                    to control VCR which is made by Ajin Vision Co.,Ltd in Korea VCR
Vindicator Display Bus Protocol to read data(Alarm etc) which is sended at Vindicator Technologies MD/RD-3300 Map Display equipment, in America DLL-Vindicator Display Bus Protocol
VISION120 to communicate with  VISION120 PLC of Unitronics Co. in Israel DLL-VISION120 (Unitronics)
VISION MODBUS to communicate to modbus protocol by VISION PLC of Unitronics Co., in Israel DLL-VISION MODBUS
Water Receive Data to communicate with water level observation device DLL-Water Receive Data
Westinghouse IMPACC CONI to communicate with IMPACC(Integrated Monitoring Protocol and Control Communications) compatible system of Westinghouse Co. in America DLL-Westinghouse IMPACC CONI
Wireless Sensor Receiver WTR01 to communicate with radio thermoscope of KJ Dynatech Co DLL-Wireless Sensor Receiver WTR01
Wizit Dongdo Calorimeter to communicate with calorimeter of Wizit Dongdo Co., Ltd. in Korea DLL-Wizit Dongdo Calorimeter
WME-100 to communicate with controller WME-100 model of WETEK Co.,Ltd. in Korea DLL-WME-100
Wonil DPM          to communicate with indicator of Wonil Technology Co.,Ltd. in Korea DLL-Wonil DPM
WR3380 to communicate with WR-3380 lighting controller of National Co. in Japan WR3380
WR3385-891K to communicate with LCU WR3385/3386 and N-LIU WRT2000/2040 etc lighting controller of National Co. in Japan DLL-WR3385-891K
X8 PLC Xnet Protocol to communicate with X8 Series PLC of RS Automation in Korea DLL-X8 PLC Xnet Protocol
XGT Ethernet to communicate with general-purpose PLC XGT series of LS Industrial System DLL-XGT Ethernet
Xantrex GT3 Series to communicate with Xantrex GT3 Series Inverter of Xantrex Technology Inc. in Canada DLL- Xantrex GT3 Series
Xantrex Inverter by CCU2 to communicate with inverter of Xantrex Technology Inc. in Canada DLL- Xantrex Inverter by CCU2
XGT Loader to communicate with general-purpose PLC XGT series of LS Industrial System DLL-XGT Loader
YAMATAKE-DCP Series to communicate with DCP Series(550 etc) controller of YAMATAKE-Honeywell Co. in Japan DLL-YAMA_DCP Series(550..)
YAMATAKE SDC/DMC controller to communicate with device of Yamatake-Honeywell Co. in Japan DLL-YAMATAKE SDC/DMC controller
YASKAWA-MP920 to communicate with machine controller of Yaskawa in Japan DLL-MP920
YASAKAWA NX100 Robot to communicate with NX100 Robot device of Yaskawa Co. in Japan DLL-YASKAWA NX100 Robot
YOI-INDI              to communicate to Digital Indicator(output-only) to display the number of Yoi-Indi automation, in Korea DLL-YOI-Indicator
YOKO-DX100~230 to communicate with DX100~230 series record of Yokogawa, in japan DLL-YOKO_DX
YOKOGAWA FA-M3 Ethernet to communicate(ethernet) with PLC of Yokogawa Control Systems Ltd., in Japan DLL-FAM3_ENET
YOKOGAWA FA-M3 Serial to communicate(serial ) with PLC of Yokogawa Control Systems Ltd., in Japan DLL-FAM3_SERIAL
YOKOGAWA uR10000/20000 Recorder to communicate with 'uR10000/uR20000 Recorder' controler of Yokogawa Electric Corporation in Japan DLL-YOKOGAWA uR10000/20000 Recorder
YOKOGAWA UT Series (550 etc) to communicate with UT series PID controller of Yokogawa in Japan DLL-YOKO_UT
YOKOGAWA YS Series (150 etc) to communicate with YS series Multi Function controller of Yokogawa M&C in Japan DLL-YOKO_YS
YSI2700               to communicate with Bioanalytical product analyzer controller DLL-YSI2700
ZBus-LCMS to communicate with controller of Planet Co.,Ltd. in Korea DLL-ZBus-LCMS
ZMD405 Meter(Landis+Gyr) to communicate with ZND405 Power Meter DLL-ZMD405 Meter(Landis+Gyr)

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